This site does not provide medical advice. The content is for informational purposes only. Consult with your Doctor (GP) on all medical issues regarding your condition and its treatment. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services provided by medical professional. Always seek the advice of your medical professional before making any changes to your treatment. Any medical questions should be directed to your personal doctor. I will require you to have consulted with your Doctor, to have been diagnosed by and for you to have the support of for a number of different issues such as depression and pain management before I will consent to undertake hypnotherapy with you.
There are no guarantees that any of these courses of action will solve your issues. It is my intention to help you to help yourself, by facilitating a deep awareness of what is actually troubling you and helping you to empower yourself to make the appropriate changes. I will make no promises that I can help you, however, I can promise to do my best to help you.
What you are paying for is my professional time and not necessarily a cure.
I will not disclose your personal information to any other party. Everything we discuss, whether it be written or verbal is strictly confidential at all times.
You were probably expecting me to say this, but I have no intention whatsoever of selling your details to newspapers, spammers, fraudsters or anyone else. Furthermore, your confidentiality is assured.
In fact, while working with you, I often don’t even need to know the details of events that happened to you; if you want, I can work pretty much ‘blind’ because what matters is your response to a situation, rather than what actually happened.
Terms and Conditions
All packages booked are final. Sessions can be postponed given 48 hours’ notice or more, but no refunds will be issued.
Data Protection
Client files are titled anonymously and are deleted 10 years after the latest session. I am registered with the ICO.