Certified Hypnotherapist
I did my first hypnotic induction at the age of 12 and qualified as a hypnotherapist over 30 years ago.
I am also qualified in and practice acupuncture, nutritional therapy, homeopathy and various forms of bodywork and have used Scenar devices to alleviate pain for two decades.
I appeared as an expert commentator on hypnotherapy on BBC and ITN television and Sky News and have been similarly consulted by the Daily Mail and London Evening Standard.

Apart from that I have played the piano on cruise ships, including a voyage 500 miles down the Amazon river, ridden a donkey up a mountain in Haiti, got food poisoning in Madeira, got food poisoning in Casablanca.
Driven a Jeep from Los Angeles to Chicago, an Alfa Romeo through Texas and also a 1963 Pontiac Catalina (not as glamorous as it sounds) from Maine down to Florida with one arm in a sling.
Sang one of my songs on Capital Radio. Spent a few months going into BBC London Studios late at night accompanying people on the piano live on air, people whom I didn’t know and couldn’t see, not all of them sober, who phoned in to the radio station and sang songs I didn’t know. Lost a week’s salary at a casino in Curaçao. Went back several weeks later and won most of it back and lost all interest in gambling.
I ran London’s top cabaret room for two years, completed a 4-year honours degree in languages, trained and qualified as an electrician, completed an 18-month mime and physical theatre course, had a song I wrote played on the radio, worked in the theatre in Canada for 5 months, studied in Poland for 3 months when it was under martial law, hitch-hiked around America and from Texas down to Mexico City, cooked a shark casserole, had my cameo acting role used in the trailer for the original Johnny English movie, had one of my eyes laser-corrected on BBC television, slept through an earthquake in India at the age of 4, and was paid to play the accordion at a wedding in Hull.
I was joint winner of a stand-up comedy heat at the Newbury Comedy Festival and as a result was selected to compete at the Edinburgh Festival. I have worked on amusement rides at the seaside, was suspected of being a KGB officer while acting in a movie in Moscow, worked in a pie factory for a week before being fired, worked in a medical doll factory for a week before being fired, and worked as a Christmas postman without being fired.
I have been paid to translate for a Siberian shaman and made safety announcements in Spanish. I have missed a couple of flights as well as a cruise ship I was working on and acted in a popular television series as a sailor who died of toxic waste poisoning in the sea off Jersey. I have sunk in a small boat in Cornwall, been bitten by a macaw and nearly been killed on a motorcycle in Surrey and in a car in Ohio.
Leaving all that aside, it’s been a fairly quiet life.
Qualifications & Trainings
Trained and qualified in Curative/Analytical Hypnotherapy
Trained and qualified in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
Trained and qualified in RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy)
Trained in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)
Trained and qualified in Neurofeedback
Highly experienced in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
Trained and qualified in TFT (Thought Field Therapy)
Trained and qualified in Nutritional Therapy
Trained and qualified in Acupuncture and Chinese Healthcare
Trained and qualified in Bodywork
Trained and qualified in the use of Scenar and InterX devices
Trained and qualified in homeopathy
Trained and qualified in Reconnective Healing
Trained and qualified in the NES Healthcare System (Nutrienergetics)